Practice Management Toolkit
Treatment Services Database

Find health professionals with an interest in eating disorders

Visit the Treatment Services Database

Finding a Treatment Team

With evidence-based treatment, recovery is possible

Treatment Services Database

Find eating disorder professionals and services near you

Find your local treatment providers

Patients with eating disorders will need a team approach possibly including psychologist, dietitian, psychiatrist and/or paediatrician and others. It is not always easy to find local practitioners able to see patients with eating disorders, it will depend greatly on where you practice is situated. But there are some things you can do to help your GPs find practitioners near you.

Search the InsideOut treatment services database by postcode and add anyone you find to your practice software address book. If you are in a remote location, make sure to expand your search to include a larger area and look for who may prove telehealth. You may find it helpful to create a separate category in your address book for eating disorders so these practitioners are easy for your GP's to find (scroll down to the end of the page to find tutorials for your software).

QI Tip

Can form part of a quality improvement project

To find more practitioners, consider inviting those in your area to meet your team, or initiate a continual personal development (CPD) event to expand your network.

You can also try searching the database of credentialed eating disorder practitioners, or the Butterfly database here:

ANZAED https://connected.anzaed.org.au/treatmentproviders

Butterfly https://butterfly.org.au/get-support/butterflys-referral-database

A/Prof. Sarah Maguire (Clinical Psychologist and Director of InsideOut Institute) explores best practice treatment.

Community Based Treatment

Most people with eating disorders can be effectively treated in the community, providing they are medically and psychologically stable.

As with other illness, the GP takes on:

  • Medical management
  • The role of care coordinator

As care coordinator, it is essential that you provide appropriate referrals to ensure the person is supported by a multidisciplinary team.

Use our Treatment Team Builder to find a team.

Treatment Team Builder

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