Practice Management Toolkit
Treatment Services Database

Find health professionals with an interest in eating disorders

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Other Ways to Find Providers and Networking

Plan a Continual Personal Development (CPD) event

All GPs and Allied Health Practitioners need to do a certain amount of continual learning each year to remain registered. The Royal College of General Practitioners (RACGP) gives Continual Professional Development (CPD) points for approved events and a certain number are needed to remain registered each year. Many practitioners will attend CPD events if the topic is of interest and it has been approved to accrue CPD points.

Working with your Primary Health Network (PHN), or CPD Home providers

The best way to organise a event for your local GPs and Allied Health is with your PHN. Your local PHN will already have a CPD program and will be set up to get events approved for points, help with finding a venue, speakers and advertising the event. If you have interest from your team in eating disorders, then try contacting the PHN and ask for their Eating Disorders, Mental Health or Youth Mental Health representative. They will generally be looking for ways to show that they are engaging with eating disorders and keen to help. Or you could try working directly with your CPD Home provider to initiate an event in your area.

Your PHN or CPD Home provider is more likely to get it happening if you are involved. You could offer to host it if you have a big enough space to seat around 30 people. Or you could offer to help find speakers (Ask your team for contacts or find your local eating disorders coordinator through your LHD for advice on who to invite). Generally, the more you put into it the more chance you have of getting one to happen. It also helps if one of your GPs are interested to help write the learning … and possibly mediate the event.

The biggest help will be to aim this at allied health practitioners and to help with invites and promotion. Remember to get contact details for all those that attend and add them to your address book, you can also invite any practitioners that are interested to a meet and greet at your practice meeting. This should also help find new referral pathways for your doctors.

CPD requirements for Allied Health can be found here.

Contact RACGP https://www.racgp.org.au/education/professional-development/cpd

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