InsideOut eLearning
Learn more about eating disorders with our suite of online courses for health professionals.
Resources for Carers
What resources are available for carers?
Caring for a loved one with an eating disorder can be incredibly challenging and feelings of burnout and isolation are common.
Research shows that carers are at risk of developing their own mental health problems.
Support people may also need resources and referrals to support their own mental health and wellbeing.
Resources for families and carers:
Online Self-Help for Carers of People with EDs
Support for Family & Carers
List of resources for families and carers
Self Care for Families and Carers
Tips: How to take care of yourself as well
InsideOut Blog & Podcast
Supporting a person with an ED
NEDC Booklet
Caring for someone with an ED
EDQ Carer Help Kit
How to help a loved one
ED Safe Principles
A set of principles that will guide the ways that information about health, food, minds and body are provided to people across a wide range of settings. This is a key eating disorder prevention and harm minimisation initiative
Remember: Butterfly Foundation’s National Helpline is available for anyone seeking information and support around eating disorders and body image issues. Call 1800 33 4673 (1800 ED HOPE).